Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just a little action...

That's was just a little action and it propelled me into a tailspin I am only just getting out of...  My last post...2 weeks ago...shame, shame, shame...was about debating going to the gym.  Well...after writing that,  I got changed, hit the gym (even though it seemed nobody else was there...too nice a night and everyone was likely enjoying the outdoors) and haven't been back since.  Oh no...I didn't injure myself...I just picked up a nasty little virus that has had me feeling awful (coughing, sore throat, sneezing, congested, name it, I've had it).  I am finally feeling a bit better though I am still a bit congested.  The moral of the story is...after you use a piece of gym equipment, PLEASE wipe it down so the next person doesn't have to suffer through a cold on the nicest two weeks of the summer! 

There...I have done my public service for another, I am not pregnant...but...we are going to start trying.  I mean...really  Any suggestions anyone?  I imagine there is never going to be a perfect time (ie when work is going great, my weight loss is enough, or when I am not so busy) so why not now?  I have come to realize just how much I really want another baby and though I felt conflicted about working on losing weight vs. having a baby, I think that I am in a much better position now having lost 45 lbs than ever before.   So why not put in a wholehearted effort and see what happens.  I can continue to lose weight in the meantime and if I have to put the band on hold for ten months, so be it.  Life is the here and now and I want to live it...I don't want to put off having a baby just to say I lost X lbs in Y months.  The band is part of my life,  not my whole life.  This could be a whole lot of fun!


Sarah said...

I am right there with you, on feeling conflicted! We're trying too (I haven't really made that all too public on my blog, but hey..). I do have very mixed feelings about gaining weight now that I've lost 80, but I know how much healthier I am if we are successful!!!

Kerri said...

While I was pregnant with our 3rd baby (7 months old now) I lost weight during my pregnancy and ended up only gaining 9 pounds during the entire pregnancy. There is a lot of info stating that it is ok for women to not gain weight during their pregnancy.Best of luck!!! And have fun! LOL!

Amy said...

YEAH! I love babies! Just don't want any more of my own. ;) I also only gained about 11 lbs with DS, so it is totally doable. My other piece of advice is to start temping today. I did it and got pregnant the first month we tried. It is super it if you don't know what to do, and if you can't find the info, I can point you in the right direction!

best of luck, and most importantly, HAVE FUN TRYING!!!!!

Nella said...

You will be fine. Have fun!
The gym at times can gross me right out! SANITIZER!!!

Linda said...

It's a hard decision about trying again. We're debating having another before I'm too old. I think I'm going to try to get to goal before we try so maybe the winter.
It's weird because I'd didn't gain much with my daughter BUT I started at 250 and had horrible morning sickness - obviously that would not be good with the band.
Good luck trying!! Very exciting. I did use a clear blue easy fertility monitor for my first, it it worked like crazy.