Thursday, February 18, 2010

Looking to leap forward

Top of the morning to you! Just getting ready for a great day at work and I need your inspiring ideas. I need a new look for my blog (I am going to start with that and then tackle my own look). What are some good places to find new, safe to use (ie won't crash my computer), and preferably free blog layouts? I am still new to blogging and don't know how to do a lot but I would like to learn. I would appreciate your help.

On the the band front. Nothing is happening. Literally nothing. I was trying to go for my third fill this week but it wasn't going to work out so now I am waiting another two weeks. I could really scream at this point. I have very little fill and little or no restriction. I don't really want to diet in the meantime but it looks like I am going to have to do this alone until I can get this band to it's proper adjustment. I need to work harder on my exercise. It is taking second place to so many other life things right now but I need to do it. If not for weight loss but for my own sanity. Does everyone go through this time period before they really start losing weight? It'll be three months on the 25th and the scale has not changed in the last 2 months at all. ANY SUGGESTIONS?


Gen said...

Sad but true, without decent restriction it is just like the old days of dieting. BUT, if you work on it, at least you know the weight will not come back this time. That was a big motivator for me. If there is any way you can get your fill earlier, do it! And definitely exercise - good for the mind and body.

For blog design, I use No problems with these designs at all.

Anonymous said...

I have used cutest blog on the block and shabby blogs..both worked well. It just takes a little patience right now, work out and try and eat right until the band can help you out more.

Amy W. said...

i think the one I am currently using is from hot bliggity blog. I have also used the cutest blog on the block!

Lap Band Groupie said...

I used cutest blog on the block and it was easy. Just try not to gain until the restriction comes (took me 4.5 mo. to get to the Sweet Spot).

Kristin said...

I'm still using the boring old blogger template, so I can't offer any suggestions there. I'm with you on the stuck scale and frustration. Not fun. I guess all we can do is hang in there till we get some restriction!

Girl Bandit said...

Sorry to hear things are not moving along weel for you. Try exercising and focusing on healthy food choices...just an idea

workinprogress said...

On a totally different topic - I saw this website and thought of you :-)

THE DASH! said...

Hey Elliana,
I use Hot Bliggity Blogs - they are pretty good and I think my last one came from btemplates. com. Put free templates for blogs under google.. you should get some good hits (getting them installed is another whole ballgame... lol sometimes it's a little tricky. Good luck with it.. I do like the green though.. very pretty!!)

Elliana said...

Thank you so much! I will get to work on spiffying up my blog tomorrow.