I am sooo excited!!! It's my birthday tomorrow and I can't wait! I am counting the hours. It's party time baby!!! I LOVE my birthday and I LOVE celebrating it with all my friends and family. We (all 20 or so of us) are going out to a Greek restaurant that has belly dancers (both a guy and a girl). I can't wait to dance on the table! Woo, hoo... I am going to wear a very sexy top that I haven't worn in a couple of years and I am going to party like a rockstar. The paparazzi are going to have a field day...lol. I will fill you in on the sordid details on Saturday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Not only are we band sisters, but we are nearly birthday sisters as well. My 35th is next Thursday, my fellow Aquarian.
Enjoy your birthday and wow those paparazzi with your sexy top!
I think you gave us a birthday gift with this pic!! Reeoowww!!! Have the best time - wear your sexy top and party, party party!!!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your dancing, sounds like SO much fun!
Happy birthday, be safe, and don't do anything Paris Hilton wouldn't do! tee heee~!
Happy Birthday!!!Enjoy your day!
Thank you so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes. It was so heartwarming to hear from all of you. What a great community we have.
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